Clients Menu


Required User Level
5 - Supervisor

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.

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Customer Relationship Managment (CRM)

Special button functions:

  • Status: Select the right type of status for your client. Status type: New, Prospect, Client, Suspended, Abandoned, and Supplier.

  • First Contact: Select how you first contact with the client. Contact type: In Person, Telephone, E-Mail, and Referred By. When you selected Referred By, you can find or input the client who referred.

  • Next / Last Contact: Select the date for the last time you contact the client in the last contact. Select the date you are going to contact the client in the next contact. After you contact the client, click the move button to move the next contact date to the last contact date.

  • Christmas Card: Check the checkbox to identify that you want to sent a Christmas card to the client. The text box beside the checkbox allows you to save individual names and information that can be written on the card.  The drop down box at the end of the line is to select a gift or promotional item to send with the card.

  • New Note Button: Click the new note button to create a new note for this client, the system automatic fill the current date and the user name, select the in person, telephone, or e-mail type.  Type your note in the note box. Click add button to save the new note. All the notes are showed in the CRM tab.

  • Update Button: Select the note you want to edit, click the update button to save the change.

  • Print Note Button: Select the note you want to print, click the print note button to print the current note. 

  • Print All Notes Button: It opens a new window with all your notes for the client, click print to print out all the notes.

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