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Points Tab

Required User Level
3 - Edit

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.

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tab in flash.

This section allows the user to associate Control points and / or UTM coordinates with a project. This section can view by every Pimarc user. The choose point button and add point button are only available for Level 3 users or up. Users can add any point to this project if for instance UTM coordinates were established on one or more bars on the ground.

To choose/edit point:

  1. Click the "Choose Point" button.
  2. Click the "Find Point" button to search for the control point that was used on this project as long as it exists in the database.
  3. From the search results, select the correct point to attach to the project.
  4. Fill in the job point name in the add point window.
  5. Click the add button to add the point.
  6. You can edit the point by pressing the edit button in the points tab window.
  7. Click the modify button to save the change or click the delete button to delete it.

To add point:

  1. Click the "Add Point" button to open the add station window.
  2. Enter the station name, northing, easting, elevation and many other details to the point.
  3. Click the add button to add the station point.

A sample of Pimarc points tab window is shown in below.

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