Search Menu


Required User Level
1 - View

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.

When searching for projects you have numerous options. The advanced search menu has a comprehesive list of search criteria as can be seen from the picture below. This list of criteria is determined by the project region and will have different search options depending on the survey record data structure from that region. The search results will likewise reflect that region's survey record data structure.

Any text box followed by a magnifying glass icon allows the user to select names from a table of possible names.

When a calendar icon follows a text box this means that you can select the date or date range rather than type it in.

The basic search menu in the picture below has a more abriveated list of search criteria.

NOTE: When the Ref. Plan # field is used the system automatically also searches and displays the search results from the Other Plan section data that has been entered in the system. The Other Plan search results are displayed after the Project search results.

The list of years can be used as a quick filter to display projects that were created during the year seleted.

As was stated earlier the specific information that will be displayed in the search results will depend on the region being searched as different regions will have survey structures. Therefore the search results will have different column to represent the differences in data.

In general though the top of the search results show the number of records found in the search and paging links. The next rows are the column headings.

The first column you may miss unless there is something in it. If you see this icon it means that this project has been locked.

This icon can be used in either the plan or field note column and indicates the there is not and will not be plans or field notes for this project.

The next pair of icons are often seen together, they are the view icon and the download icon . The are used to view or download a plan that is attached to a legal description on this project.

When text is surrounded by a dark area like this or this it indicates that this is a button and clicking on it will onen a new window. In the case of these examples they will open a project window and a client window respectively. If the client button were to look like this then that would indicate that the client is inactive.